Courtney Jorgenson
A Hidden World
I am usually a nature and wildlife photographer but for this project I wanted to shoot a series I have had in the back of my mind for years. Growing up I was never able to express to people how I was feeling. It was always like I couldn’t find the right words. Photography has always been my main outlet of expression. I get to tell stories through my photos and say what I want without using actual words. It allows me to share my life journey while not giving every detail of what I am going through. People can interpret what my photos are trying to say. This time around I thought I would share just a little more than usual.
This project is all about me sharing my own personal feelings that come along with depression and anxiety. I get to take what I go through and share it with the world, so people have a better understanding of what it is like. It is so much more than “being sad” or “feeling anxious.” There are so many emotions and they give you a different outlook on life. My main goal is to help get rid of the stereotypes around people who have depression and anxiety. I want to show the other feelings and emotions that no one talks about.
By sharing my personal experiences, I want to not only give a bit of insight on my personal struggles, but I want to educate people from an inside perspective. My photos are showing off different topics I came up with. The photos may not show much expression because I wanted to show the face that people put on when feeling these things. The images are as following: Trapped, exhausted, crazy, loneliness, anger, and paranoia.