Hi, I'm Isabel Billeci
Instagram: billeciphotography
Hello! I’m Isabel Billeci and I’m a landscape and nature photographer born, raised, and based in Sacramento, California. I have been photographing for 7 years and graduated 2 years ago from Cosumnes River College with my Associate of Arts in Photography. I’m finally graduating this Spring from Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, Arizona, earning my Bachelor of Science in Photography.
For my capstone project, I decided to do something that I have always loved doing and hope to make a career in the future: landscape photography. My capstone is called “Landscapes of Northern Arizona'' where I traveled to 8 different locations across Northern Arizona and photographed some of the beautiful sights that those places had to offer. The first place I attended was Mount Elden. I saw how beautiful it looked right after a snowfall and grabbed my camera. The second place I went to was the desert out near Twin Arrows. I went at sunset and caught some beautiful rays near an abandoned brick wall and house. The third place I traveled to was the Petrified National Forest. I had never been to this place before and found it to be fascinating. Out in the middle of the desert, this “forest” was filled with petrified wood and great views of desert hills. The fourth place I attended was Wupatki National Monument. This was another place that I had never been to before and it was nothing short of spectacular. The ruins of the native brick buildings were beautiful and the sunset brought some amazing color to them. The fifth place I traveled to was the north end of Mount Humphry’s. Many people take countless photos of this beautiful mountain from the south side (Flagstaff) including myself, so I wanted to try something different and went exploring for a good spot. My capstone classmate, Nicole, mentioned this spot on the north side to me and it turned out to be incredible. The sixth place I went to was none other than Grand Canyon National Park. It was so exhilarating shooting photos of the majestic canyon once again. Last, but most certainly not least, I traveled to Page where I took photos of the iconic Horseshoe Bend and the magnificent Glen Canyon. I had never been to Page before and it certainly lived up to its hype. I was very impressed and loved taking photos there of the beautiful sights. There were a few struggles along the way of completing this project. The main issue was the weather. I was only able to go to one place in March because the weather kept fluctuating and the days that I was available to go out and shoot were unfortunately, the days with the worst weather. It was frustrating and disappointing (I unfortunately had to cancel on going to Sedona because of this), but I was able to wrap up this project just in time. As always with my landscape photos, my goal is to bring people a sense of inspiration, wonder, joy, and peace. I hope that I have accomplished that goal and that you enjoy my capstone project!
I am excited (and a bit relieved) to graduate and I'd like to thank all of my family, friends, and professors for supporting me on my journey from college into the professional field of photography. I joyfully look forward to the future and can’t wait to get out there and create some beautiful photographs for everyone to enjoy!