Sydney Fife
Loved Ones
For this project I was inspired by recent events I have gone through this past year. These events made me think of the people in my life and what they really meant to me, which also led to thinking about those who aren’t in my life as much. I wanted to create something that shows loved one(s) that have passed with the person who has lost them with the hopes they can look back and remember the times they spent with that person. The participants of this project also shared what their loved ones meant to them and others around, and how they may have shaped them.
This project started out as me wanting to get models to essentially “play the part” of someone grieving. After feedback from others and rethinking what exactly I wanted to portray I ultimately decided to go with people I knew and focused on their stories instead of one I would have made up. I was able to find photos that I had never seen of my grandparents before, and learn more about them as I went along. I also got to learn more about my friends’ family, their dynamics and how much they were impacted by the passing of someone close to them.

“Bill (husband) was a very kind, considerate, and thoughtful person. He was my rock and I would do anything to make him happy. I saw him through bad days and good ones throughout his sickness.”

“Both my parents lived through the Great Depression and were married to each other for over 70 years. From this upbringing they taught me how to think of and to help others. How to be more frugal with my money and to only spend money on things that were essential and not just something I wanted. Since they did not grow up with a lot of money, they were able to teach me how to enjoy the beauty of nature and those things around me. These teachings made it easy to pass it down to my children and their children.”

“My mother, Vada Irene Darden Osborn, was a major influence on the life I wanted to live. She possessed many wonderful qualities. She always put her family first, always saw the best in people and always had a positive attitude. Being raised during the depression she taught her children about finances and how not to be wasteful. Her love of the outdoors was also passed onto us. She led us by example. She was a good Christian and that also had an influence on us. I couldn’t have had a better example of how to live life.”

“I’m Jenna McGee and this is my grandma, Catherine Ford. Growing up my family and I spent a lot of time with her especially during the holidays. I remember all the Easter egg hunts she would put on for me and my brother when we were kids. For Christmas I could always get some sort of book from her as she was addicted to buying random stuff online. As I got older, I didn’t really see her as much. She had a lot of health issues that kept her from leaving the house mostly. Once Covid hit I had to move home and I went and saw my grandma more often. I went over to check on her as her health wasn’t getting better. I also helped out around her house as we were in the process of moving her to an assisted living house. Unfortunately in April 2020 she passed away from all of her health issues. She passed peacefully in the comfort of her own home which is what she wanted. I definitely wish I would have been closer to my grandma but I still hold on to all those happy memories I had with her as a child.”

“To me my mom meant everything. She raised me to be the person I am today. More specifically how to be kind to others and to treat people the way I would want to be treated. My mom showed this in every aspect of her life. Whether it was with her students in class, friends/family and even strangers. She always inspired me to be the best possible person that I could be no matter the circumstances. But mostly she always inspired me to persevere and to work hard. Even in her last days fighting leukemia she was always pushing the limits of what doctors said she could do in order to see and be with the family. I love and miss my mom, but her spirit lives on through everything she taught me and other people she connected with.”