Alan Kammerman
I use my photography as a way to express my love and passion for the outdoors and adventure. My hope is that this expression will inspire those who view it to go and live their own adventures. To me, adventure is more than going out and climbing a mountain or backpacking one hundred miles. It is something that pushes someone past their comfort zone. This could be something as simple as taking a different route home from work, or even learning a new skill, as long as the line out of one’s comfort zone is crossed. What is specifically important to me is crossing that line while in the outdoors. There is something very special about nature and the outdoors, and I would love to share that feeling with the world. Hopefully planting the “bug” into some of your minds so we all start thinking about the world around us differently. Not as something to conquer or fight, but as a means of growth and adventure.
With this set of photos, I wanted to capture a series of images that would show the world all the reasons why we should live our own adventures outdoors. From the challenging experiences of waking up in a tent in freezing temperatures with the wind howling outside, to the excitement of trying a new sport for the first time, and the serenity of enjoying the beauty of nature and all it has to offer. Through the use of color, composition, and light, I was able to capture these feelings and experiences within a photograph, a perfect medium to portray an entire story and message within a single frame. The series is structured around a magazine, so for each adventure I have a cover photo, double spread, and two more additional storytelling and detail shots. Each of the trips are intentionally ordered for telling the specific story of that adventure.
The inspiration behind my work is my experiences and growth due to my own outdoor adventures. When I started college and worked as an adventure guide, it allowed me to participate in activities that I hadn’t before. The people met along the way, and those challenges were some of the best experiences of my life, and they only continue to grow from there. I wish for as many people as I can reach to understand this message and get out and experience life. I challenge you that once this message has reached you, stop looking at my images and go on an adventure.
Cross Country Skiing - Flagstaff, AZ

Backpacking - Mazatzal Wilderness, AZ

Fly Fishing - Tonto Creek, AZ

Rock Climbing - Jack's Canyon, AZ