Tyler Woodward
Growing up, my family has always been active. As a result, some of my favorite things are sports and nature. So when I fell in love with photography, these were the areas I was drawn to. I love being able to get a unique perspective in my photos that the average person might not think of or be able to do. For sports, that’s being on the sideline where fans do not get to go. In nature, that’s getting different angles on my subject, whether a landscape or a flower. In general, my work is more sports oriented, but nature has always been a close second for me.
However, due to the pandemic, sporting events were being strictly regulated and not allowing many people in. So I decided to switch to my other love, nature. When I think of Arizona, I think of the desert and the Grand Canyon. Arizona has so much more to offer though. This is something I have come to appreciate in the last four years of living here. So I decided to show off the diversity of landscapes that Arizona has to offer.